Ep #104: Behind the Scenes at Sunrise Capital Investors — with Jethro Van Aardt, Director of Operations

Today’s podcast features Jethro Van Aardt, Director of Operations at Sunrise Capital Investors. He has an extensive background in commercial real estate and asset management. 

Jethro talks on how he’s implemented processes which produced multiple benefits to consolidation planning, better organization, cost savings, and higher quality of coverage, while also spearheading their insurance project.


“That’s what it boils down to. That’s why you want to choose your broker first. You also want to be sure that you’ve got the right person servicing you.”

“Like everything in life, you get brokers that are small, they don’t have access to products that the big corporates would have.”

“But generally, I’d say about between 800 and a thousand pads is when you really could start seeing some great pricing efficiencies and really the brokers would start getting excited. Anything smaller than that, you know, it’s going to be difficult to get the brokers excited because it takes a lot of work on their side too.”

“Guys would never do this product if they felt that their clients were at risk or the entire industry was at risk.”

“Insurance is a complex product. When you are going out there and you’re comparing your different products, just make sure you’re comparing apples to apples.”

Discussed in this Episode:

  • Jethro discusses his personal and professional journey leading up to Sunrise 
  • Details on his insurance project 
  • Brokers and the “Decision Matrix Tool”
  • Working with IMA Corp of Jed Bond


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